Heating & Chilled Water System Balancing

A properly balanced heating and chilled water system is a crucial and cost-efficient way of maintaining adequate pressure throughout your HVAC system, regardless of environmental factors or spikes in usage.

We offer a range of services for all water systems including validation, commissioning and water treatment. Our customer base include hotels, hospitals, government buildings, office blocks, schools & colleges and residential properties.

An unbalanced system can cause various issues depending on the scale of the problem and the size of the building. Some areas may be getting too much heat whilst other parts of the building could be too cold for your staff to work comfortably. A balanced system helps ensure a steady temperature throughout the building and can dramatically reduce the amount of energy wasted.

We can assist in identifying overflows which cause pump sets to work more than they are required. Identifying issues such as these and resolving them quickly and efficiently will also reduce your energy costs.

Call 0141 432 0001 now for your free no obligation quote or click the button for our contact information.

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How do I carry out a Legionella risk assessment?

The purpose of carrying out a risk assessment is to identify and assess any risks in your water system. The responsible person should understand your water systems and any associated equipment, in order to conclude whether the system is likely to create a risk from exposure to legionella, and should be able to identify whether:

  • water is stored or re-circulated as part of your system
  • the water temperature in some or all parts of the system is between 20–45 °C
  • there are sources of nutrients such as rust, sludge, scale and organic matters
  • conditions are present to encourage bacteria to multiply
  • it is possible for water droplets to be produced and, if so, whether they could be dispersed over a wide area, eg showers and aerosols from cooling towers
  • it is likely that any of your employees, residents, visitors etc are more susceptible to infection due to age, illness, a weakened immune system etc and whether they could be exposed to any contaminated water droplets

Your risk assessment should include:

  • management responsibilities, including the name of competent person and a description of your system;
  • potential sources of risk;
  • any controls in place to control risks;
  • monitoring, inspection and maintenance procedures;
  • records of the monitoring results, inspections and checks carried out;
  • arrangements to review the risk assessment regularly

If you decide that the risks are insignificant, your assessment is complete. You may not need take any further action at this stage but you should review the assessment regularly in case anything changes in your system.

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