Closed Loop & Closed Circuit Heating & Cooling

Integrated Compliance are a leading independent UK water treatment company offering a full range of expert services for the management of closed systems, closed loop heating, cooling and closed circuit chilled water systems.

Our closed loop water treatment services address the problems of corrosion, fouling, biofouling and scaling that affect the reliability and performance of closed circuit and closed loop water systems.

Our services are delivered by our in house water treatment experts for closed circuit water systems who utilise the latest high performance closed loop water treatment techniques to help reduce costs, save energy, enhance operational efficiency and reliability, and extend asset lifecycles.

Our specialist closed loop and closed circuit water treatment solutions include:

Closed Loop Water Treatment & Servicing
In-field closed circuit and closed loop water treatment, engineering support and maintenance services to control corrosion, fouling, microbial fouling and scaling.

Monitoring & Validation
Latest water analysis equipment to monitor and validate closed circuit water treatment programme performance.

Energy Efficiency
Expert investigation and analysis to identify improvement and energy efficiencies involving heating, cooling and chilled water systems, and heat transfer processes

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What are closed system water circuits?

Closed systems, closed circuits or closed loop water systems are used in almost all commercial, industrial and process environments where they provide heating or cooling to work spaces and manufacturing or process areas.

Closed circuits operate as a “closed loop” or “closed system” meaning that they are sealed and the water inside is not exposed to the atmosphere, meaning a closed loop system contains a fixed volume of water that recirculates and tends to suffer only negligible water losses.

Problems affecting closed loop systems

If closed loop systems or the water used within them are poorly maintained or left untreated it can lead to problems that will affect energy usage, cost, asset performance and reliability. Specifically, these problems include corrosion, fouling, biofouling and scaling to a lesser extent unless there is significant water loss requiring additional make-up water.

  • Corrosion
  • Fouling
  • Biofouling
  • Scaling

To combat these problems, closed loop systems and the water within them require suitable treatment.

Successful closed circuit water treatment

Successful management of closed loop systems requires a comprehensive approach to the maintenance and protection of both the system, its components and the water used in them against the detrimental effects of corrosion, fouling, biofouling and scaling.

Integrated Compliance comprehensive approach to the successful management of closed loop water systems involves control of the following issues:

  • Appropriate control measures to minimise system corrosion.
  • Controlling fouling in the system to reduce blockage, maintain energy transfer efficiencies, and flow rates.
  • Controlling biofouling from microbes, pseudomonas bacteria, nitrifying and sulphate reducing bacteria.
  • Scaling in closed circuits is generally less of an issue but is problematic where significant make-up volumes are required.

Inhibiting corrosion in closed loop water systems

Corrosion can affect closed water systems even though oxygen levels tend to be lower in such fixed volume water systems. However, it is common in heating systems where fluctuating temperatures can increase rates of corrosion.

Corrosion control is important as if left unchecked it can lead to the degradation of metallic components and increased fouling from corrosion by-products. This will result in lower flow rates, cause blockages, and reduce reliability and life-expectancy.

Chemical corrosion control is achieved by incorporating specialist closed loop water treatment including high performance corrosion inhibitors and oxygen scavengers in to the water treatment programme.

Controlling fouling & microbial slimes in closed circuits

Closed circuit water systems may become fouled from sources such as suspended solids, corrosion by-products, scaling and the build-up of microbial slimes from pseudomonas bacteria, nitrifying and sulphate reducing bacteria.

The accumulation of fouling in the form of sludge and suspended solids may cause blockages, reduce heat transfer efficiencies, and constrict flow rates. It may also cause localised corrosion.

Controlling pseudomonas in chilled & cooling water systems

Pseudomonas bacteria may cause significant biofouling issues in chilled and cooling water systems, particularly those that are poorly maintained or untreated. As Pseudomonas bacteria proliferates throughout closed-circuit water systems it can accumulate to build thick microbial slimes which both contaminate the water and reduce heat transfer efficiencies (cooling) and increase operating costs.

Our expert water treatment engineers use techniques specifically designed to deal with Pseudomonas and other slime forming bacteria in closed systems. They act to disperse and then flush the unwanted microbial materials from the water systems to restore water quality and cooling performance.


What is portable appliance testing?

Portable appliance testing (PAT) is the term used to describe the examination of electrical appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use. Most electrical safety defects can be found by visual examination but some types of defect can only be found by testing. However, it is essential to understand that visual examination is an essential part of the process because some types of electrical safety defect can’t be detected by testing alone.

A relatively brief user check (based upon simple training and perhaps assisted by the use of a brief checklist) can be a very useful part of any electrical maintenance regime. However, more formal visual inspection and testing by a competent person may also be required at appropriate intervals, depending upon the type of equipment and the environment in which it is used

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